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发布日期: 2019-09-19




Title:A Stochastic Control Approach to Maximize Profit on Service Provisioning for Mobile Cloudlet Platforms


The recent emergence of mobile cloud computing has enabled mobile users to offload computing tasks from mobile devices to nearby cloudlets, so as to reduce energy consumption and improve application performance. In this paper, we consider the problem of maximizing the profit of the cloudlets' managing platform that receives computing requests from mobile users and fulfils these requests by leveraging computing service of participating cloudlets. However, it is very challenging to maximize the operating profit for such a managing platform, due to unpredictable arrival of user requests, dynamic participation of mobile cloudlets, and complexity in computing resource allocations. Based on the Lyapunov optimization technique combined with the technique of weight perturbation, we introduce a new stochastic control algorithm that makes online decisions on computing request admission and dispatching, computing service purchasing, and computing resource allocation. Different from traditional techniques, this algorithm does not require any statistical knowledge of relevant system dynamics, and is efficient for implementation in practice. Theoretical analysis and simulation results have demonstrated both the profit optimality and the system stability achieved by the proposed control algorithm.

Speaker Bio:

熊乃学教授, 日本北陆先端科学技术大学院大学和中国武汉大学计算机学院的双博士。他是美东科技技术有限公司创始人、总裁,并且在美国佐治亚州立大学计算机系、科罗拉多理工大学任教。他曾获得中国计算机学会优秀博士学位论文奖提名,在IEEE JSAC、IEEE Transactions, ACM Transactions, Information Science、IEEE INFOCOM、IEEE LCN、IEEE IPDPS等杂志期刊以及国际会议上发表论文近500篇,包括期刊约250篇。熊乃学教授已在近百个重大国际大会上任大会总主席,程序委员会主席,分会主席,指导或程序委员会委员,例如Infocomm, IPDPS, CloudComputing, ICA3PP, 3PGCIC, ICISE, ICISE, PICom和UNC等。他是IEEE可信云计算委员会主席,曾担任美国IEEE计算机学会可扩展计算秘书。也是美国IEEE计算机学会IEEE-CS Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP),IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS): Intelligent Systems Applications,IEEE Computer Society的高级会员。熊乃学教授也是国际核心期刊Journal of Internet Technology和Journal of parallel and cloud computing的主编,国际核心期刊Information Science(影响因子3.6,SCI)和国际核心期刊IEEE Transactions on Systems, men, cybernetic: systems的副主编,中国核心期刊软件学报的编辑。他先后也是其它十多个国际期刊的编辑,被邀请给近100个期刊做为作客编辑,包括IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions On Mobile Computing等100种期刊杂志。主要研究方向有:云计算、容错安全系统、移动计算与无线网络、高性能计算等。